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Titanic set from Movie in Hydraulic riser tank
Titanic set from Movie in Hydraulic riser tankPopular
Description: This is a phot of the set from the movie Titanic by James Cameron. The set is in a Hydraulic rising device that lowers the whole middle section of the ship (from the first funnel to the second) into the water. The set of the grand staircase was also lowered into a water tank at a rate of one foot (30cm) per second. For the set pictured stress on it was so great that there were no rehersals for that scene and only one take was ever done.Quote:<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>Titanic set from Movie In Water Tank</blockquote></div>
Submitter :the_Ray_Critter - More Photos from the_Ray_Critter
Last Update: 2006/10/25 11:28   Hits: 89510   Comments: 1  

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