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Titanic exploration : Submersible that explored Titanic will aid Flight 447 search
Posted by webmaster on 2009/6/4 0:02:00 (29634 reads)

The French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) received a ministerial order from the secretary office of French Transport Minister Jean-Louis and effectively ordered the ship Pourquoi Pas? (Why Not?) heading out of the Azores towards the debris field

which lays some 5000 kilometers or 3400 miles from its current location.

It will take the Pourquoi Pas? (Why Not?) about 8 days at full steam to reach the debris fields at
Lat: -2.7674 Lon: -26.6748 just north east of the Brazilian coast.

The dive and search operations to find the black box will be a challenging task seen the spread of the debris fields. In several instance interconnecting debris fields are more than 100km apart.

The head of IFREMER, Olivier Lefort first priority effort is to locate the crash site since the aircraft went down in a zone located alongside the Mid-Atlantic fold where the seabed is deeper than 4km's. The involvement of Nautile (3 member crew) and Victor 6000 (Unmanned) will assure depth of up to 6km's.

The service at Norte Dame Cathedral in Paris gave some tension since Air France wanted it to be private amongst family members but the church wanted a public service.

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