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Main : Titanic : Artifacts :  Life vest Christies 66000$ auctionAdd Photo

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Life vest Christies 66000$ auction
Life vest Christies 66000$ auctionPopular
Description: My dad works at the christies Auction house in NYC. its over in rockefeller center. anyway hes allowed to take pictures and stuff of the things being auctioned before they are put on stage. they were doing this ship auction recently and an item was a life vest from the titanic. The Vest was sold for $66,000.

It just so happens i got a picture of it.....
Its amazing one of these are still around after all these years.
Submitter :Danny Jacobsen - More Photos from Danny Jacobsen
Last Update: 2008/7/31 11:16   Hits: 35232   Comments: 0  

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