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  Titanic and 9/11

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Titanic and 9/11

Joined: 2004/12/13
From West of Ireland
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The tragic events of September 11th and the Titanic’s sinking will be forever etched in history as world changing events.

Both tragedies were of unparalleled proportion. The dreams of the media whores in pursuit of one in a million headlines were fulfilled and the nightmares of so many millions came true. Both were modern day Greek tragedies (heroes ready to die saving others, a still calm September morning/a still calm April night, and the tragic deaths of so many). Both the Titanic and the Twin Towers were also microcosms of the world as they were populated by people from all over the world. In 1912, increasingly accessible medium of the printed press carried sensational headlines that captivated people all over the world. In 2001, the on the spot live coverage by TV news equally captivated and horrified the wider world. Both were events that people could relate to. The sinking of the Titanic was the sinking of a symbol of an age while the attacks of September 11th marked a new and dangerous period in world history.

Both tragedies came at a time in world history when man felt it could control all that the world could possibly throw at it. The Titanic symbolized the confidence of an industrial age and sadly the false belief that man could overcome Mother Nature. Bigger was better they thought and they were probably right. The belief that bigger was safer and ‘unsinkable’ was wrong. The White Star Line and the other Ismay-ites who held the coffers ordered a record breaking maiden voyage across the Atlantic to swell their wallets and their already fattened egos and business interests. The souls of those on board the Titanic were a secondary thought hence the inadequate number of lifeboats on board. Why would they need those extra lifeboats cluttering the decks when the ship was ’unsinkable’! Mother Nature in the shape of an iceberg smashed these beliefs and shook the world to the extent that inquiries were called for, maritime safety was overhauled, and the industrial age petered out within years. The confidence of the industrial age sank with 50,000 tonnes of broken dreams and twisted ambition.

The Twin Towers and the Pentagon symbolized a world leader in military and economic terms and the arrogance of a nation that thought it was untouchable. Those who built the Twin Towers had never taken into account that such a tragedy could happen. Again, the pursuit of dollar signs overrode the well-being of the poor souls who occupied the buildings. American society also firmly believed that it was untouchable. Intelligence agencies were aware of possible attacks on the twin towers yet did not act on the information they received. The idea of closing down the economic heart of America was unthinkable. The reality of almost three thousand lives lost was the price that was paid. Like the story of the Titanic, man’s belief that he could control his own destiny was smashed.

The Titanic and 9/11 tragedies are etched in history due to the massive tragic loss of life. Another explanation for their unquestionable place in the history books is because both marked a loss of innocence and a sudden realisation that mankind is vulnerable, fragile and self-destructing.
Posted on: 2004/12/13 15:02
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  •  Trivulak

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I think you make some interesting points in your piece comrade Orion. There are indeed many similarities between these two cataclismic events. I think to myself as I luxuriate in a rye smile, could both events be described as an act of God?
Posted on: 2004/12/13 16:42
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  •  rose89
Re: Similarities

Joined: 2004/8/9
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9/11 is not a world changing topic.
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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Posted on: 2004/12/14 0:24
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  •  Scammell
Re: Similarities

Joined: 2004/11/14
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Rose89 where the hell have u been? To make such a comment like that is ludichris. I am very dissapointed in a remark like that. 9/11 not changing history is the stupist remark I have ever heard.
I agree with the similaritys of the 2 events.
Posted on: 2004/12/14 1:27
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  •  rose89
Re: Similarities

Joined: 2004/8/9
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i know what im talking about scammel. it did surprise the countries all over the world but it didnt change the history. i will tell you that many people think that you got what you deserved.
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~ ~
Posted on: 2004/12/14 4:09
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Similarities
That is discusting to say that.Quote:

rose89 wrote:
i know what im talking about scammel. it did surprise the countries all over the world but it didnt change the history. i will tell you that many people think that you got what you deserved.
Posted on: 2004/12/14 9:09
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  •  Birdsnest
Re: Similarities

Joined: 2004/12/15
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Rose 89,

Can you clarify what you meant by 'you got what you deserved'?

I agree with Orion. Both tragedies had a very similar impact on the world.

Posted on: 2004/12/15 13:31
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Titanic and 9/11
What about the WILHELM GUSTLOFF which was sunk on 30 january 1945 with the loss of 9,343 souls. every body remembers the titanic but what about this ship
Posted on: 2004/12/15 13:44
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Re: Titanic and 9/11

Joined: 2004/12/13
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I presume the WILHELM GUSTLOFF was a German World War Two battleship. There are three reasons why that ship never receives the media coverage it deserves. The ship was probably sunk by a Britsh or American desstroyer/submarine. The British/American press will therefore not choose to remind their own people of the horrors it inflicted on other nations.

The Titanic epitomised the ultimate tragedy because it was on its maiden voyage, a victim of mother nature, the biggest ship in the world at the time and carried some of the most famous people in the world. The WILHELM GUSTLOFF, although suffering a severe loss of life, was a victim of a war created by man. The third reason could be that there were no movies made about the WILHELM GUSTLOFF.

Posted on: 2004/12/15 13:54
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  •  rose89
Re: Similarities

Joined: 2004/8/9
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Birdsnest wrote:
Can you clarify what you meant by 'you got what you deserved'?

on 9/11 i wasnt in america. i was in europe and i heard a lot of talking and i was in a lot of forums and i know. i dont mean anything but this, but you are a petty naive country. just please dont take me wrong, because i dont want to insult anybody.
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~ ~
Posted on: 2004/12/16 1:40
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