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  Give it a rest- literally.

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  •  HellenTurnquist
Give it a rest- literally.

Joined: 2006/9/23
From chubaka, wakichuba
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I might be a total idiot but I don't think the titanic should be raised EVEN IF it could be raised! Yes, I know, we all know, it's dissentergrating (pardon the spelling) and will be gone soon but THAT IS NOT THE POINT. It's holy ground, a grave site. Through a historical aspect raising the ship (although it can't be done) would have some pro's, but does RIP mean anything to anyone? Plus through a biological aspect it would be catastrophic. Organisms are growing off the ship, new ones we never even knew of, would die if it was raised. Okay, now you can contradict me.
Need good titanic diagram. SCAD rocks.
Posted on: 2006/9/23 20:51
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Re: Give it a rest- literally.

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
Posts: -1
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I totally agree with you, Hellen Turnquist. Sadly, some argue that all must be retrieved, before it's lost to the sea. My response is to photograph every nook and cranny while you can. To me a picture is worth more than a warehouse full of artifacts. She is a grave to 1,523 people! She deserves to be treated as a grave, which means look but don't touch!

And yes. I know what RIP means, but the world only knows money! If they can display the artifacts in museums and traveling exhibits, and make a profit, then that's what happens. They get a sub to go and retrieve the artifacts for their displays. Sad really.

May they and Titanic rest in peace.
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/9/24 3:22
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