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  Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

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Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2005/12/20
From Towcester
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After watching a tv programme last night i am convinced that the Titanic is not sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic but is infact its sister ship the Olympic.

The Olympic was terminally damaged by a collision with a British warship and was returned to Harland and Wolf for possible repair.
Once the ship had been identified as having a broken back it was just a big pile of floating sc rap that the White Star Line could not claim on insurace.
The Titanic was very near completion and as a result the Olympic took on changes that slowly made it look identical to the Titanic.

On the day of the Titanic launch the big boss of White Star Line said that he was not feeling well and could not go into the boat (was found sunning himself in France a few hours later) and most of the crew walked off the ship and put themselves out of a job on purpose.
The Californian rushed out of port empty (except for 3000+ blankets) and came to a sudden stop in the middle of the Atlantic for no reason.

The damage on the Titanic was identical to the damage on the Olympic after its collision.

So what do you think?
Posted on: 2006/12/30 9:46
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  •  lilcandycane
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2006/7/17
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That theory has been discussed to death..I can assure you that anyone who knows titanic can tell you that titanic did indeed sink. There were to many differences between the 2 ships...but the thing that convinces me is that the ships were open for anyone to see and there were thousands of men working on both...After titanic sank I find it hard to believe that not one person said a thing to anyone....It was Titanic...I know some people here can give more detailed information...I never believed the theory so i never looked into it...
Posted on: 2006/12/30 15:17
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Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2003/9/14
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Iceman wrote:
The Olympic was terminally damaged by a collision with a British warship and was returned to Harland and Wolf for possible repair.
Once the ship had been identified as having a broken back it was just a big pile of floating sc rap that the White Star Line could not claim on insurace.
The Titanic was very near completion and as a result the Olympic took on changes that slowly made it look identical to the Titanic.

On the day of the Titanic launch the big boss of White Star Line said that he was not feeling well and could not go into the boat (was found sunning himself in France a few hours later) and most of the crew walked off the ship and put themselves out of a job on purpose.
The Californian rushed out of port empty (except for 3000+ blankets) and came to a sudden stop in the middle of the Atlantic for no reason.

The damage on the Titanic was identical to the damage on the Olympic after its collision.

So what do you think?

I disagree entirely. As an aside, can you tell me if this was the SKY TV conspiracy special, which fired aired in 2004?

Olympic was not terminally damaged -- none of the expert testimony supported that.

It was impossible to break the ship's 'back' even if it was damaged (and I don't believe it was). The keel was made of a series of plates, and if any plates were damaged they could be removed and repaired.

Titanic was not as near to completion as conspiracy theorists often make out. J. P. Morgan was not the head of White Star, rather IMM -- and yes, he missed the maiden voyage and went to France to be with his mistress. I'm sure he would wish to be discreet about that. Does it prove he was part of a conspiracy? No.

Titanic's crew did not walk off the ship, those you refer to were the delivery crew who took her from Belfast to Southampton, and would not have accompanied her to New York in any event.

Californian was not empty, nor do I believe she had 3,000 blankets onboard as no contemporary documentation has yet been produced to support that.

She did not stop for no reason -- Californian's Captain Lord stopped because of field ice; a very good reason to stop. Nor do I believe any damage to Titanic was identical to Olympic's.

I wrote a short, analysis at the link here (bottom): -- or the direct link:

Best wishes,

Mark Chirnside, Warwickshire, England.
'RMS Olympic: Titanic's Sister.'
Posted on: 2006/12/30 17:39
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Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2003/9/14
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lilcandycane wrote:
That theory has been discussed to death...titanic did indeed sink.

I agree entirely, lilcandycane. It's unfortunate that some conspiracy theorists distort sources and historical data in order to make it fit their pre-conceived conclusions.

I never believed the theory

I think that is a great credit to you.

Best wishes,

Mark Chirnside, Warwickshire, England.
'RMS Olympic: Titanic's Sister.'
Posted on: 2006/12/30 17:41
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  •  bombjon
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/1/24
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this is utter crap do u seriously think the Titanic didn't sink this is jst another conspiracey. when the Olympic was launched it can no side walls on the promenade deck the passengers complained about the cold so when they were building the titanic they covered half of it with walls and windows
Posted on: 2007/1/24 20:12
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea
it was proven that the titanic is the shipo that sunk in 1912 as the build number was found indented into the titanics sheet metel the olympic may of got titanics original perpelor in 1911 when it needed repairs after slipping a perpelor blade
Posted on: 2007/2/1 12:40
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  •  keithurban2007
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/2/28
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Titanic is indeed on the bottom of the Atlantic because Olympic didn't sink she was scrapped years after Titanic sank.
Posted on: 2007/2/28 22:19
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  •  keithurban2007
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/2/28
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Titanic is indeed on the bottom of the Atlantic because Olympic didn't sink she was scrapped years after Titanic sank.
Posted on: 2007/2/28 22:19
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  •  Kirsty-Anne
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/3/17
From Powys, Wales
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i think I have to agree there, definately Titanic down there. There is too much concrete or in her case iron evidence to prove that she is the one lying on the ocean floor.
Am not an expert but was olympic scrapped in 1936??? i know that some of her panelling resides in a pub in England
Posted on: 2007/3/17 21:37
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  •  Rowan
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/4/10
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Yes the Olympic was scrapped in 1935-1936. I believe the Mauritania was scrapped the same year. I've seen a picture of both of them at dock, side by side. It was really sad, two great ships. Some of the interior of Olympic was put up for auction, and I don't remeber the name of the hotel but they have some of it.
Posted on: 2007/4/13 23:47
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