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  DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

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DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/9/5
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Leonardo DiCaprio says he now regrets accepting the role in Titanic that brought him fame and notoriety. In an interview that will appear in the December issue of Vanity Fair, DiCaprio says that he wishes that he had instead accepted the role of a porn star in Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights that eventually went to Mark Wahlberg. He said that the public attention that accompanied his success wrecked his ability to land offbeat roles. "It's a really obvious thing to say, but the more people know too much about who you really are, and it's a fundamental thing, the more the mystery is taken away from the artist, and the harder it is for people to believe that person in a particular role," DiCaprio remarks in the magazine interview.
Posted on: 2004/11/28 22:24
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  •  Anonymous
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame
So he rather have had Boogie Nights and Mark Wahlberg's career?... Planet of the Apes? The Italian Job?

Come Leo, quit whining, Titanic was great and you are not "cool" by saying it isn't.
Posted on: 2004/11/28 22:27
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  •  Starry
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/1/29
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Leo is hardly the first actor to have seemingly negative consequences from having a major success. A lot of actors have wrecked their credibility and blown good opportunities by starring in big budget mainstream movies. Look at what has happened to Nick Cage's career. He started out in interesting offbeat roles and now he just churns out predictable schlock (except for Adaptation which was brilliant.)

I wonder if Leo wishes he had taken the road that Johnny Depp has with his films. Leo still can - he's smart, talented, good looking and rich. There's no excuse for him to not make the films he wants to make. I'm glad he starred in Titanic though, it wouldn't have been as fun if he wasn't in the movie. He's no Dirk Diggler, that's for damn sure.
Posted on: 2004/11/28 22:45
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  •  rose89
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/8/9
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i dont think he should be sorry. and by the way, the italian job is a pretty good movie. but he makes pretty good money of his movies and as far as i know, they are neither low budget movies or very, very successful as titanic was. he is in between. what could he possibly want? (other than that)
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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Posted on: 2004/11/29 4:26
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/11/24
From Santo domingo,DR and New york
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Well i dont know why he tell titanic brings him bad fame and its not true, Much better he worked in boogie nights than Titanic in my opinion.
Posted on: 2004/11/29 5:07
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/9/5
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Its hard to speculate, but what i've seen about your opninions, its strange that Leonardo came out and sets him self in that position. His new movie, The Aviator is very promising, and it appears he likes these some what smaller scale movies, old school.

It might be due to the reason that he wants to be accepted as the multiple role, medium sized block buster success: over and over again. Now what happend in titanic is 1 big hit which rather came as a surprise as james cameron tried to get the budget deficit crisis fixed with the management and what, viola top grossing, oscar prince and what else not. Now his name is associated and on the top of this titnanic movie, so hard to change the image surrounding him self.

It doesn't look like it is about the money, he just bought a big apartment in las vegas, to spend money with betting, and he earned alot long shot already. but i can also imagine it is something to do politically with the fact that james cameron has made a 3d imax titanic movies like ghost of the abyss and never seems to stop about doing the titanic subject, so by this bad fame thing he might be trying to water down the association he has with titanic for these kind of reason...
Posted on: 2004/12/1 1:00
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/10/9
From ontario canada
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Leo is just a fame wanter he just said that to grab attention. Its really dumb!
Titanica GAL
Posted on: 2004/12/1 19:38
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/11/24
From Santo domingo,DR and New york
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I totally agree with you

titanica_gal wrote:
Leo is just a fame wanter he just said that to grab attention. Its really dumb!
Posted on: 2004/12/1 20:02
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  •  rose89
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/8/9
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i will disagree. fame can be really tiring. plus, after his role in titanic, when somebody says leonardo dicaprio everbody asks "the one in titanic?" he wants to be known for stuff other than titanic.
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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Posted on: 2004/12/1 21:13
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  •  GooseGrl172
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/10/11
From Maryland
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I'll have to disagree with this:

titanica_gal wrote:
Leo is just a fame wanter he just said that to grab attention. Its really dumb!

And from the interviews he's done recently, I dont get the impression that he's sorry he did Titanic. I cant quote him exactly but it's certainly the opposite of what I've read here, and just generally speaking I do not get that impression. I'm not seeing it and I'm not picking that up off of him. If anything, I can only see him disliking the roll only because it wasnt very "odd", or "different". Just my guess, but hey, I could be wrong, I'm never met the guy. Just dont believe every little thing you read/hear unless you hear it straight from that person. Anything can be taken out of context, esp. when it comes to celebs vs the media...

Posted on: 2004/12/5 1:24
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