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  Last Titanic dinner

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  •  sjacob
Last Titanic dinner

Joined: 2004/4/12
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To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Titanic's sinking, our Gourmet Group is hosting the last dinner on the Titanic. We're using the cookbook purchased at the 2003 exhibit in Raleigh, NC, by the Madison Press.

I would like to find information online so I can download passenger boarding passes which each person to the exhibit received. I'd like to have the list of passengers, both those who survived and those who didn't, for our guests to "check" their identity at the end of the evening like at the end of the exhibit.

Also, I would like to find logos from the White Star Line to put on the menus.

Can any Titanic afficionado help me?
Posted on: 2004/4/12 4:48
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  •  7th officer
      7th officer

Joined: 2004/3/4
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First of all you're two years late to celebrate the 90th anniversary--that was in 2002.
Just kidding with you. It sounds like a neat thing. I'm from the Raleigh, NC area myself and I'm envious.

Also you might be late for getting the paper stuff you want too, if your dinner is to be this week. But anyway, for exactly the items you want, try this site. Under 'reproductions', they have the whole dinner packet which includes the mailable invitations ('tickets'), boarding passes, place cards, and menu blanks. Just what you're after.
Granted you have to pay for them, but they're not all that expensive (compared to a dinner such as you're planning) and are really nice reproductions which make great souvenirs. I think the book mentions how to use them best.

There are several web sites you can use, such as Encyclopedia Titanica, which contain passenger lists by name and what happened to them. A quick search should get you to one of the sites.

I hope this works out for you...hmmm, I wonder how I can crash your party.......
Posted on: 2004/4/12 15:21
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  •  Rosie1912

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Encyclopedia Titanica isn't working at the moment, one gets a "Page can not be found" or "This Web Server is currently unavailable due to emergency maintenance" ... I am on a list and it was brought up...someone on that list thinks someone hacked into the ET server & or site.. I think they're trying to get it fixed or find out what happend.

If you're interested in a Titanic dinnner, I'm not sure how far Greensburg, PA is from you, but if it's not too far then you might wanna check the thread under Titanic news "Titanic Dinner in Greensburg PA" as they're holding one there and it's open to the public..there's a phone number in the message that you can call for information/costs/etc..
Posted on: 2004/4/12 15:56
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  •  7th officer
      7th officer

Joined: 2004/3/4
From NC, USA
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Rosie, thanks. Actually I knew that already, but I hoped it would have been fixed. But I had also said "there are several websites such as..." assuming the sjacob would search a little.
Another one which has a passenger list (and I was just there) is:

Also thanks for the announcement of the Greensburg, Pa. dinner. I had seen your thread on it..sounds good and I even have friends in Greensburg I could stay with (who bug me to come visit). But alas, that week is out for me...but I thought about it.
Posted on: 2004/4/13 14:50
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