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  Who was most responsible for the wreck?

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  •  Anonymous
Who was most responsible for the wreck?
Who do you think should be held most accountable for the wreck of the Titanic? I have mixed feelings about it. I'd love to hear from you.
Posted on: 2002/10/31 10:27
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  •  Rfulkerson
Whos at fault?

Joined: 2002/11/11
From Naples,Florida. U.S.A.
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:( The Captain of course, He was in charge
Posted on: 2002/11/11 8:47
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  •  Anonymous
Crew's To Blame
The reson why all of those people on the Titanic were killed is the crew. They took too long geting the people on the boat and they did not fill the up. It does not mater how rich or famous they are ;the lives of the people are more important. The rich people could have moved overand about 50 more people could have been saved. the wreck of the Titanic would not have been as tragic. William
Posted on: 2002/11/12 1:49
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  •  Anonymous
Who do you think is to blame for so many mpeople losing their lives? In my opinion the first class passagers are to blame. They didn't fill the life boats all the way. They would lave with half empty lifeboats. They would get on and get out of there screaming and yelling not thinking of anyone else. That's my opinion, you might have a different one.
By: Jamie Hatrick
Posted on: 2002/11/12 1:59
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  •  Anonymous
captain Smith is responsible for the sinking of the Titanic. he is responsible because he was going full speed in an iceberg warning zone. He could have avoided the iceberg if he would have slowed down. He was going full speed because the owner of the ship was aboard and he was in a hurry. That was the worst mistake of his life,and the last one.
My name is Lee.
Posted on: 2002/11/12 2:13
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  •  Anonymous
The initial problem was with the wireless operators that wanted to handle the firstclass passenger's messages. Other ships notified titanic, they ignored it and told them to keep quite so that the radio ferquency was available to telegram the first class messages.

The note didn't get to the captain on time. And when it did he did not act on it.

All persons involved shared a responsibility, but the stuborness of the telegram operator is shameful and could be the highest responsibility.
Posted on: 2002/11/13 5:14
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  •  titanicfreak_15

Joined: 2002/11/26
From tx
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that is an interesting point of veiw and i have never thought of it like that but it does make sense
Posted on: 2002/11/26 2:03
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  •  Anonymous
Hey everyone... I think a lot of people are responsible for the sinking of titanic... including the captain, crew, the passengers, and the californian. The captain could have been mroe efficeint in planning the rescue. the crew should have been more trained. the passengers should have left the ship immediately even though it was considered very safe. they should have forgotten "class" at such a crucial time. The califnorian could have rescued mroe passengers if Evans hadnt given up on first try in informing the Titanic about the iceberg. Also instead of waiting to confirm if the white rockets were sos. they could have raced towards titanic to rescue the passengers. Thanks...
Posted on: 2002/11/27 7:20
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  •  Anonymous
captain was at fault
The tragic events that lead up to the Titanic crash have to be factored in. First off the maker of the boat instructed the Captain to push the boat at full speed to make record time getting into New York. The Captain knew of the dangers of the Ice and Icebergs that were ahead. Warning messages came over and the crew ignored and kept the boat at full speed. Once the lookout crew saw the Iceberg infront of them the tried to steer the boat away. This did not happen. The boat slightly hit the Ice causing the entire bottom to fill with water. All compartments were ripped open in the lower half. If only one or two were ripped open the boat would have had a longer time to wait for resucue before sinking. Once the boat began to fill with water the passengers were doomed. The Captain was supposed to hold an instructional rescue the afternoon before the accident but he did not. If he had informed the passengers how to plan for an emergency more lives would have been saved because 2 life boats went down with the ship with no passengers in it. The boats sunk to the bottom and 130 more lives would have been saved. The life boats would have seated 65 passengers and more lives would have been saved. If the rescue drill would have taken place before the accident happened, order would have been taken by the doomed passengers. The bells for the real accident would have sounded after the iceberg accident and people would have lined up for the boat that they needed to be on. People would have lined up to the boats they were assigned to and lots people would have been told the boats can hold up to 65 people and people would have crammed together and not worried who was 1st class or 3rd class. Once your life becomes endangered you want to live and helpothers live. The next factor that should have been listened to was all of the warnign about Ice. The Captain should have shut the boat down for the night and waited until light in order to see any Icebergs. People were not in any hurry to get to New York at record speeds. The people assumed they would arrive to New York safe but once the warning were ignored the people were doomed. Also when the Titanic shot off all of its flares in white there was a boat that could see the flares. This boat was watching with binoculars and ignored that these were distress signals being shot in the air. this other boat could have raced over to the Titanic and rescued all of the people that were swimming for their life in the bitter cold water. So many bad discisions were made by the Captain, crew, and the ships builder.
Posted on: 2003/1/2 15:21
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  •  Anonymous
It would be hard to pin the blame on one individual. I believe it was a series of unfortunate events that led to the sinking. The captain should have reduced speed. the californian's captain should have woken his wireless operator, the builders should have made the watertight doors go all the way to the top.
People have often said there should have been more lifeboats. but they didn't even get all the ones they had off in time, so it would have made little difference.
Posted on: 2003/1/9 0:46
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