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   Did you have any relatives on the Titanic?

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  •  dames
Re: Did you have any relatives on the Titanic?

Joined: 2007/3/12
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My name is Damon Marvin and here is what I was able to find when I did my research a while back. It's funny because my whole life has been dedicated to music and film, so this was all the confirmation I needed. It was very interesting that the Mrs. was pregnant and gave birth after she was rescued...

Mr Daniel Warner Marvin, 18, from New York, NY, was the son of Henry Norton Marvin.

Henry Norton Marvin was founder of the early motion picture production houses of American Mutoscope and the Biograph Company. The studios were situated in an old New York City "brownstone" on 14th street and Fifth Avenue. The building's previous owner was a member of the Cunard family. The film pioneer David Wark Griffith made his first films with Henry Marvin and his partner. Henry's brother was also a cameraman at the studio.

In the early years of the century Biograph had a lawsuit with The Edison Group (which was tied to Thomas Edison laboratories) over claims of patent infringment for making films using the Edison Camera. However, Henry Norton Marvin's Company had in their employ, a former employee of the Edison group who had been instrumental in inventing the camera in the first place. He developed another camera, which got around the patent restrictions, and in the meantime, the Business Manager of Biograph, a fellow named Kennedy, had purchased the rights to the Latham Loop, the process that enabled the film to run in a continuous loop behind the lens. The lawsuit resulted in an arranged Association between The Edison Group and Biograph.

Daniel's marriage to Mary Farquarson was not filmed, however, the ceremony was restaged for the camera. The London Daily Mirror reported it to be the very first wedding to be "cinematographed".

Daniel and Mary boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers. They were returning to New York City from their honeymoon in Europe. They occupied cabin D-30.

On the night of the accident Daniel assisted his wife to a boat with the words "It's alright, little girl. You go. I will stay." Daniel died in the sinking, his body, if recovered, was never identified.

Among the crowds that gathered at the New York offices of White Star on April 15 1912 were relatives of both Daniel and Mary Marvin: Mrs Frank Farquarson and Mrs W.H. Marvin learnt that Mary had been saved but there was no word of Daniel Marvin.

The Humeston New Era reported the following on April 24, 1912.

"Mrs. Daniel W. Marvin of this city, who was on a honeymoon trip with her husband, was almost prostrated when she reached the dock and learned her husband had not been picked up by some other boat. "My God don't ask me too much," she said, "tell me, have you any news from Dan?" He grabbed me in his arms and knocked down men to get me into the boat. As I was put in the boat he cried. "It's alright, little girl, you go and I will stasy a while. I'll put on a life preserver and jump off and follow your boat." "As our boat shoved off, he threw a kiss at me, and that is the last Isaw of him."

New York, October 30, 1912. Announcement was made here today of the birth of a girl baby to Mrs. daniel W. Marvin of Riverside Drive. Mrs. Marvin and her husband were returning home on board the Titanic from their Honeymoon to Europe when the liner went to the bottom. Mr. Marvin met his death and Mrs. Marvin was saved. It was said that the mother and daughter were doing well.

That's my story.
Posted on: 2007/3/13 18:37
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                 Re: Did you have any relatives on the Titanic? gal of titanic 2007/1/3 19:31
                   Re: Did you have any relatives on the Titanic? Ema423 2007/1/4 23:03
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                     Re: Did you have any relatives on the Titanic? dames 2007/3/13 18:37
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