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  How False/True is it??

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  •  J Copeland
      J Copeland
How False/True is it??

Joined: 2007/12/2
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Hey All,

I'm new around here but,

How true/False do you think the Titanic Movie is???
J Copeland
Titanic Enthusiast
Hastings, UK
Posted on: 2007/12/2 18:36
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Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2007/6/20
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well James Cameron tried to make it as true as he possibly could without screwing up his story line. so i think it's about 40% false and 60% true.
he wanted the ppl to look similar to the real ones and he wanted the events that occured that night to be quite similar as well. in fact, the beginning is the real Titanic. not something he made up.
or like before jack draws rose, the crab u see by the fire place inside Titanic is real. the whole thing i just described is real. that's part of the reason i love the movie so much.♥
Posted on: 2007/12/2 22:36
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  •  pianoprincess
Re: How False/True is it??

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I think it's fairly accurate. I mean obviously it's not entirely accurate but it's really accurate. I remember at the Titanic Museum they were talking about the movie and just things that were incredibly accurate and some of the really cool things that James Cameron did.

Like he did take some stories from real people on the ship for the movie. So when the band is playing Nearer My God To Thee. When you see that old couple in the bed. They were real people and he took their story and put it in the movie. The scene were she refuses to get on the lifeboat got deleted but he had it. I just can't remember her name! This is going to drive me nuts!
Posted on: 2007/12/2 22:52
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Re: How False/True is it??

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haha. i'm the same way. if i kno something and just can't figure it out i go mad.
and her name is Ida Strauss.
Posted on: 2007/12/2 23:00
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  •  J Copeland
      J Copeland
Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2007/12/2
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i think the most accurate movie is SOS Titanic
J Copeland
Titanic Enthusiast
Hastings, UK
Posted on: 2007/12/9 20:18
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Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2007/6/20
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i plan to watch all the Titanic movies someday.
ya kno when i have enough time that is. lol...
Posted on: 2007/12/9 21:08
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  •  SimpsonsGod551
Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2007/12/27
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Id say its true but they added alot of special effects and such to it
Posted on: 2007/12/27 5:36
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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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First of all...there is no rose and jack story...although Rose's character may have been taken from the personality of a survivor...the rest is fictional from Hollywood. I thought it was terrrible the way they made Ismay out to be the snooty person...who selfishly jumped into a life boat to save himself. When that wasn't how it happened at all. He wasn't really concerned with the speed of the ship...he was more concerned with the passengers comfort. He made sure the 3rd class women and children got into lifeboats for 2 hours...only when there were no more women and children in sight...he was ordered to get into a life boat along with another man...named Carter. There both Ismay and Carter took charge in rowing the lifeboat...doing what they could to help. So, the part of Ismay was false. The reality of Mr. Andrews..isn't really known as to what part he played in all this...the movie made him out to be a thats how we see him. Whether that part is true or not is not known.
Make no mistake that movie stirred quite an interest in Titanic...and people are now looking a little more closly and the wonders of the ship...but the most sought out story of Titanic is the one that is 100 percent true and unglorified. Although we will never know the 100 percent truth we owe it to its members to do our best to tell the story to the best of our knowledge.
I did like the movie...and I do own it...the love story is beautiful...while some may be true we must remember not to believe everything we see.
Posted on: 2008/1/19 12:19
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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: How False/True is it??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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In addition...I wanted to do a little vs. reality.
Some things from the movie was true:

Mr Andrews was last seen in a sitting room staring at a picture with his life belt discarded. He went down with the ship by his own free will.

True- There was a J. Dawson aboard the Titanic...But FALSE- He was a crew mwmber in the Engine room, not the love stud of the ship.

True Mr William Murdoch First Officer was said to have committed suicide, but this was just rumored to be true.

False- Molly I'm not sure what it was...but perhaps enough wasn't said about Molly Brown. The movie sure got her personality correct...but after the 1997 film was made...Molly Brown's relatives disappeared from the public eye and didn't want any further contact with writers and film makers. Somebody did something to make them mad.

Ismay-I've said enough about him above

I think the movie tried to get as many things accurate as possible...but like I said...don't always believe what you some research for yurself.
Posted on: 2008/1/19 15:32
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  •  Anonymous
Re: How False/True is it??
The titanic movie by James Cameron was the first film in which i saw on the titanic been in my youth at the time. At the time my grandad Christopher Edward Marshall Senior was alive, He was brillent man who loved the Titanic.

When he died he left me some of the research he had collected other the years but some of it just vanished.

I know cameron used a scale moadl of the ship and actual sunk the ships bow under water which was a great effect in the public's mind. The Modal he built was quite accurate with the lengths of all the inferstructure. I think he did a fantastic job.

Althourgh Jack dorson was a engerneer on the titanic and rose didnt exsit. There is a few story's wrong with the film thow and one of them is the fact of isamy by making him out to be a snobby person who cared about speed when in fact he cared more about comfort. Wsl didnt belive in pushing a shipo to its max till the engine bed plates are rested and fully worked in unlike cunard were they push the engines to the max in the first year's of service. The film wasn't a floop unlike raise the titanic becuase the film seemed to be done at almspot the correct time in the eyes of the public.

i have found various parts of the film to be wrong. Like the colour scheme used below decks was as accurate and there is loadz missed out of the story. He got the deparchture almost correct with the 12 oclock leaving time. There is parts of the film which could of been improved like the scene in the actual cargo hold which byb the way the public and firemen didnt have access to

Aswell you can tell certain parts to be folse you see they got parts wrong as they actual made it out like murdock curmitted suewer side which i now hollywood was fined from the ansesters of the man.

In my oppion the titanic was a nice ship which colud of been great for the war effert and the rest and aspecialy help the finace situation of wsl. The film was 60 percent correct but i put my hands up because the story has floors right from 1912 at the incident there isent a correct version but cameron did an ok job
Posted on: 2008/2/19 22:05
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