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Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies

Joined: 2006/7/7
From New Mexico, USA
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lilcandycane wrote: That may be fine...but the movie titanic was more about a fictional relationship. Where the 911 movies are true down to every detail. I think if Titanic had been broadcast as it was sinking and we saw those poor people jumping and screaming, any movie made about it would have been a little more accurate. We watched on live tv people jumping from those towers...That is a sight we will never forget. Yes the movie titanic opened some people's eyes but as a historian when i lecture i am tired of having to corret mis information picked up from the movie. I really don't see how the two can be compared.

I kind of see your point, but I don't think seeing the disaster on film would be any more compelling to tell the disaster more acurate years later.

For example, seeing old film of people dying at Pearl Harbor (film of the USS Arizona exploding into a Fireball and the rest of the U.S. Fleet being destroyed) did not make the new Pearl Harbor movie (2001) with Ben Affleck any more accurate. If anything, the movie was a discrase compared to the earlier "Tora! Tora!, Tora! movie in the 1970s.

Just like Titanic, the new Pearl Harbor movie had a fictional love story and much more artistic liscense was used to distort one of the most important dates in my country's history.

My Grandparent's generation saw those ships explode time after time in the news of the day in theaters. Yet the disaster was exploited in propaganda films, war films, and later on, even a sci-fi film, "The Philadelphia Experement".

I think sometimes (but not always), the closer to a disaster, the more acurate the filmaker is willing to make it, because they know that the public is not willing to stand much makebelieve or "artistic liscense". (that is, with the well accepted information known at the time). Not to say that the public is going to enjoy watching the real thing, as is apparent in the 911 movies.

If anything, I think future movies on 911 will have even more Hollywood in them than say Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center".

Look at Titanic. We go from a faily good story purely about Titanic and its passengers in "A Night To Remember", to Jack and Rose's story in the 1997 (not saying that ANTR was perfect either)
"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2006/12/19 18:42
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies lilcandycane 2006/9/13 15:23
       Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies MGY Friend 2006/9/13 15:42
         Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies Kyle J. W. 2006/10/3 2:20
     Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies SFMarine0311 2006/10/7 1:32
       Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies lilcandycane 2006/10/7 15:16
         Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies Martyn 2006/10/7 16:33
           Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies h2oclub 2006/11/8 6:53
     Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies h2oclub 2006/11/8 6:55
     Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies .:tinkerbell:. 2006/12/14 11:41
       Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies MGY Friend 2006/12/14 14:31
         Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies lilcandycane 2006/12/14 14:56
           Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies MGY Friend 2006/12/14 15:48
             Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies Anonymous 2006/12/18 12:25
               Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies MGY Friend 2006/12/18 18:58
                 Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies lilcandycane 2006/12/19 14:40
                   Re: Titanic and Sept 11th Movies MGY Friend 2006/12/19 18:42
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