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  Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

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Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/1/28
From The Sea
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Iceman wrote:

The Olympic was terminally damaged by a collision with a British warship and was returned to Harland and Wolf for possible repair.
Once the ship had been identified as having a broken back it was just a big pile of floating sc rap that the White Star Line could not claim on insurace.
The Titanic was very near completion and as a result the Olympic took on changes that slowly made it look identical to the Titanic.

Ok. all of that you got right. but the Titanic is at the bottom. the proof is the remains of the Grand stair case, the pieces of the double bottom found recently, The olympic is now taken apart in side british hotels. while her brother and siter lie at the bottom of the sea for close to a century. the brittanic how ever is actually almost in Perfect shape. so before you make a final answer you should ABSOLUTLY make sure your right. because from google to youtube to so many sites it shows that the things i have said are ture. sorry buddy.
Don't be afraid of the dark... be afraid of what it hides...
Posted on: 2007/4/13 23:57
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/4/15
From New York
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The Titanic's numbers 404 I believe were printed on her bow and propellers. Which can be seen on the wreck today. Also, the Grand staircase had a certain Greek statue which is also in the wreck. She was merely identical but also had some little differences. It's the Titanic at the bottom folks.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/15 3:53
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea
the titanicvs buldnumber was actual 401 not 403 as the olympic was 400 and brittanic was 433 in which these numbers were stapped into diffrent ares of the ship and also the olympc and the titanic were bult by side of each other except the olympics progress was quiker and also the olympic was scrapped in scotland in the depression in which briought money to the country and also it was on tv few months ago abalashing the olympic and titanic thery as the damage was totaly diffrent to the olympic and the titanic as the damage was done on the stern on the olympic and the damgae was done to the bow end of the titanic in the iceberg the hotel which holdes the olympic fernishers are the white swarn hotel the actual keel of the olympic is in fact not broken as keel plates can be replaced with new ones the brittanic is in fact almost complete together except her bow is crused into the sea bed in which when she was sinkiung her bow was alredy on the bottom in whiuch made her tip other to port .
Posted on: 2007/4/23 13:00
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/4/15
From New York
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Ahh that's it. Likewise, it's def the Titanic.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/23 15:24
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea

Joined: 2007/4/15
From New York
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Old Reliable was sadly stripped of her parts in 1935.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/23 15:25
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Is it Titanic or Olympic at the bottom of the sea
it is said that the olympics engines sounded the best they have ever sounded on the last voyage as they were in perfect condition and it is a shame they were destroyed and reused it world of being great for them to be reused
Posted on: 2007/4/25 11:03
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