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  What If....

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Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/1/28
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Mrs. Andrews wrote:
It's hard to say what would happen. If it didn't sank there maybe wouldn't be that much focus on Titanic today - it would just be remembered as the biggest ship of her time. Many new ships would take her place as time goes by.
But many of her victims would live on and get a longer life - and come to America.

Actually it would be known just like Brittanic and Olympic. it would be know as the Surviving brother.
Don't be afraid of the dark... be afraid of what it hides...
Posted on: 2007/3/18 22:48
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/4/15
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Studies show she would have actually most likely remained afloat if hit head on. However, as I posted in another thread. Anyone within 100ft of the bow would have been killed due to the impact. Murdoch tried to obviously avoid the ship hitting the ice and did what he was trained to do.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/15 4:36
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  •  Captain Dan
      Captain Dan
Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/3/27
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DANNYJ wrote:
well no. if it was head on it would make a big dent and maybe shake up the ship giving whip lash to everyone.*lol* but since it had 10 compartments then no...even though it was going 70 miles per hour it wouldn't be that bad. after awhile if no one sued they would fix it up, sail, and be in a water mueseum by now as good as new.

Which makes me wonder... Why turn if they new they wouldn't make it...they would have known since they were to close. maybe the crew in the crows nest were suicidal...hmph...

Very good question

Seventy miles per hour? Titanic wasn't even doing thirty. Her service speed of 21 knots is just over 24 miles per hour, and her top speed of about 24 knots is just under 28 miles per hour; a knot = 1.15 miles per hour.

Absolutely correct on the whiplash, though. Also, as mentioned earlier, people would have been killed, though not as many. It would probably not have sunk, the ship would have made it to the new world, and Captain Smith would have retired an embarassed man. In fact, the White Star Line would have been severely embarassed. But better embarassment than the loss of life that occurred in the sinking.

As for why they turned, the answer is obvious: they hoped to avoid the collision.

Posted on: 2007/4/16 15:28
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  •  redairborne22
Re: What If....

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The funny thing is though, Murdoch DIDN'T do what he was trained to do. Even during the American and British Inquiries, experts testified that they wouldn't have stopped the engines, and what Murdoch did hurt the Titanic's turning capabilities. Had he tried the turn at speed, who's to say, but Titanic MIGHT have cleared. During WWI, Olympic made a hard, sudden turn at speed and rammed and sank a U-Boat. I don't know all the details on it, but from what I remember, it was a turn that Olympic shouldn't have been able to make. Perhaps Titanic could've made it, but we'll never know.
Posted on: 2007/4/16 16:19
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  •  Captain Dan
      Captain Dan
Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/3/27
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The u-boat was surfaced and apparently didn't see the Olympic approach. I've never heard about a hard turn, but I do know that the ship was at least maneuverable enough to chase down the u-boat and get them before they could react. I believe that they tried shooting at the u-boat (during WWI, the ship was a troop carrier and was fitted with a machine gun on the bow). The angle from the bow was too great, so the captain simply rammed it.

Posted on: 2007/4/17 3:17
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/4/15
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I'm sure those experts didn't have to think on the spot what to do. They were 30 seconds away from it. If the rudder was bigger, she may have cleared. Yes, if she was going faster, she would have turned quicker. As Daniel said, they were trying to avoid impact. If you look at Lord on the Californian that night. He reversed the engines to avoid hitting the ice field. Of course they weren't going 22 knots.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/18 2:10
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: What If....

Joined: 2007/4/15
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I say 30 seconds because it was 37 seconds from the spotting of the ice to the impact. Just to show how close to the berg they were. Murdoch said it best. "I tried to port around her, but she was too close."
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/4/18 2:11
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