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  DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/9/5
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Thats a good point, probably a media hoax. But Leonardo didn't feel needed to deny it either.

He likes to be odd, Catch me if you can perhaps, and the Aviator will be quite odd frankly. Apparently he likes to switch from one to the other which he can do best.
Posted on: 2004/12/22 22:34
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/1/2
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Its a case of down hill from Titanic. Only a hand full of movies have challenged or equaled its budget. None have come close to its gross and for the next 5 years or so there is nothin for leo.
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/1/19 19:50
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2004/9/5
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That is so, there are a few new movies here and there but they never seem to capture the box-office like what Titanic once did.

The new movie The Aviator has a reasonble budget. But we have yet to see how successful that one will be.
Posted on: 2005/1/19 20:05
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/1/2
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yeah and a dont think many more movies will cost as much as Titanic did. In that movie they built most of a 725 feet long replica and built a lot of the interior. Nowadays no ship would be built most done in CGI and possibly a bit of the ship for the actors to work on. Infact if my maths are right Titanic could be made now for aroun 2/3 of Titanics cost so there you go eh. Maybe war of the worlds or the kingdom of heaven that come out this year will be as expensive though I doubt they will make as much as Titanic. Both have huge budjets and Hollywoods A list such as tom cruise for war of the worls and orlando bloom takin lead role kingdom of heaven. But Titanic was a bit quirky am only 14 and a half so a cant really remember but a never heard of leo or winslet prior to Titanic so brinig nobodies in can still result in a huge hit. A wonder if the makers of both movies I mentioned realise that what is the point in a listers.

The best example of that is 'my big fat greek weeding' ave never seen it but to my recolection it was made for around 4 million dollars and made 400 million . No where near as much as titanic but it made 100 times its cost Titanic doest even come close to that.

Get a good story and the rest fall into place... oh and a good director and crew. Actors are just the face of the movie those other guys and girls make it all happen.

Bye, Bell
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/1/20 21:29
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/1/2
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What do you all think?
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/4/2 18:59
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  •  edward9139
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/3/14
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Leo also played in the mask. i think... war of the worlds shouldn't do bad. it would cost a lot of money to make that monster thing. unless they used special effects. who knows, but you're right leo isn't really well known for anything but the titanic.
Posted on: 2005/4/2 22:41
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/1/2
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I thought he was good in 'man in the iron mask'.
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/4/2 22:59
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Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/4/3
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leo can kiss my butox he made a great movie and he should be proud that he could rep. an almost lost interest in the sinking of a great ship and the death of 1500 souls i think if brad pitt stared in a movie about lusitania,britannic,or even the emperess of ireland that that movie would rekindel the interset in these ships.
Posted on: 2005/4/3 16:16
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  •  edward9139
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/3/14
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I don't think leo'll be kiss anyone's hq's anytime soon. Bradd Pitt would only interest women. I know that it wouldn't make a difference to me. now if Will Smith or someone who is "black", if you don't mind, showed what it was like to face segregation back then. then that might be a different story. you don't really get an idea of what it was like to be a 3rd class passenger back then, because Jack is in love with Rose, who is a first class women.
Posted on: 2005/4/3 20:08
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  •  Johno
Re: DiCaprio Says 'Titanic' brings him bad fame

Joined: 2005/2/13
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Brad Pitt is quite a catch, leo well he seems like just a little boy.

I don't know what your saying about black ppl, could you explain it again pat
Posted on: 2005/4/11 15:55
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