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  Titanic and 9/11

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  •  usagi82
Re: Titanic and 9/11

Joined: 2004/12/30
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Aren't we arguing something that has almost nothing to do with the main topic??? We were discussing the "symbolic" simmilarities between both tragedies... and we are now discussing why the hijackers took the planes and why or why not was God involved in all this.

Posted on: 2005/1/11 22:08
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  •  twinsday
The Twins

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Ever watched Ghosts of the Abyss? It was about Titanic and mentioned 9/11. I know lots of similarities between the Twin Towers and Titanic. Do you think there should or would be movie about 9/11? I call all the victims of 9/11 Ghosts of the Pinnacle, if you can see what I mean.
Posted on: 2005/1/14 4:08
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  •  clinton
Re: Titanic and 9/11

Joined: 2005/1/8
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I would say both tragedies are similar only by analysing the reactions of people in the months after the tragedies.

Everyone was looking for someone to blame shortly after both tragedies. In 1912 outrage and shock sparked the American and Brittish inquiries into the TITANIC tragedy.

With regards to 911 people were initially angry and did not know who to blame, and it is debatable if we are on the right track with regards to asigning blame for 911. But whatever your stance on the way it has been handled by leaders and people in general, one thing is clear: In 1912 people had done their homework before they asigned blame or came to a conclusion.

What are your thoughts?
Posted on: 2005/1/14 10:11
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  •  twinsday
Ghosts of the Pinnacle

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I believe tragedies are more focused than others by HOW they occur, not necessarily by the death tolls. Some tragedies are unheeded because little is known about them. Both the Titanic and World Trade Center disasters were ironic. Although it is said that God was in control, He is not responsible for all that bad things that happen. We can make a positive difference in the world. Don’t blame God for everything that happens. The Twin Towers were never said to be indestructible at all. The architect Minoru Yamasaki only said that the towers symbolized world peace toward humanity. Natural disasters and war are common causes of great loss of life. The destruction of the Twin Towers seems to be more different and ironic. If you didn't, think about it - 3000 innocent people at work perishing and jumping to their deaths all at once in just a few hours, resulting from enormous, famous, symbolic skyscrapers getting hit by jets, burning, collapsing in seconds, and being gone forever in an instant flash. Even though 3000 is very small compared to death tolls of several other tragedies, some people said it doesn't matter how many people died because every single loss of life was painful.

Here are the principles that make up my theory of tragedy:

1. Tragedy usually brings out the best in people (heroism).

2. Survivors of tragedy may either feel lucky and grateful or guilty that they lived while so many others died (survivor's guilt).

3. In every tragedy, there are personal stories of survival and experience.

4. Tragedy can change an individual emotionally.

5. People usually react to tragedy in sorrow, shock, disbelief, fear, and amazement.

6. Tragedies can show people what can happen when warnings go unheeded.

7. Tragedies are a grim reminder that the unthinkable can happen.
Posted on: 2005/1/16 3:46
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Re: Ghosts of the Pinnacle

Joined: 2003/9/14
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A very interesting discussion.
Mark Chirnside, Warwickshire, England.
'RMS Olympic: Titanic's Sister.'
Posted on: 2005/1/16 13:55
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Re: Ghosts of the Pinnacle

Joined: 2005/1/2
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No one can explain there motives they where all brain washed they see the USA as an evil force. But even in their religion it teaches Evil cant be stopped with Evil. It does my head in when they use Alah (forgive spelling) as an excuse. One of ma friends is a muslim and he is sneered at even over here in scotland. True the americans can't say this was done for no reason but in my view killing innocent people is just beyond societies limits and cant at all be justified.

Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/1/16 16:42
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Re: Ghosts of the Pinnacle

Joined: 2005/1/2
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just saw somethin interesting apparantley the terrorists chose that day in accordince with the USA emergency code. U know 911 and the date it happened 9/11. Problem with this is that every date world wide could mean somethin will happen. A do hope another tradigy like Titanic and 9/11 is averted but according to many people both expert and just general citizen all agree somethin will happen again.

God please let them be wrong!
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2005/1/16 16:46
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  •  Birdsnest
Re: Ghosts of the Pinnacle

Joined: 2004/12/15
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Great point Twinsday
Posted on: 2005/1/19 15:07
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  •  thekillers16
very old titanic book

Joined: 2005/1/23
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i have a book.....The sinking of the titanic and great sea was published in 1912 by L.T. Myers and the dedication says that 1635 souls were lost so u can tell that it was writen right after the titanic if anyone is interested just e-mail me
Posted on: 2005/1/23 23:36
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  •  Nat
Re: The Twins

Joined: 2003/9/18
From Hastings, England
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I think eventually there will be a movie about 9/11 but not yet as it is still a sensitive issue.
Maybe many years in the future just like years later there were movies about the Wars and Titanic made but maybe that was just cause technology wasn't about then.
I hope for many families out there that films aren't made about 9/11 and the tsunami disasters yet but with many disaster films already being made, who's to say some heartless twat won't make the film?
P.S I agree with many of you, Titanic and the Tsunami were disasters and 9/11 were pure hate.
Posted on: 2005/2/1 14:00
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