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  Did Jack really love Rose?

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  •  Jillian
Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/7/3
From Small town in Manitoba, Canada
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Finally someone who agrees with me!
Time doesn't make any difference! For some people it take 3 years to fall in love and for others it takes 3 days. So what!!!!!! They were deeply in love! End of story.
"Three years and I've thought about nothing but Titanic. But I never really got it. I never let it in" ~Brock Lovett
Posted on: 2005/8/9 17:34
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  •  GooseGrl172
Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2004/10/11
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NosieRosie wrote:
I don't think anyone can fall totally, madely, deeply in love with someone in 3 days. That's lust, thats all.
To be love someone you have to know all their faults, mistakes, and past experiences.
To love and be in love with someone, and yes, those are different things, I just think you have to get past the first stage of a relationship and get to know the real them.
The first 6 months to a year of a real relationship is just trying to impress the other person.. once you get past that you get to know the real them....
That they leave the toilet seat up, that they don't brush their teeth every day, that they fart and berp, that they have road rage... things that people don't do when they're trying to impress someone.
I know that when I met my husband, he was the perfect gentlemen.... ALWAYS doing what was best for me, never farting or anything... But.. after 4 years of being together, I know ALL of his faults. I know his snoring, I know the way he talks when he's not listening to me, but he wants me to think that he is, I know the laugh he makes when he's laughing at a stupid joke that I made just to make me feel good about it.. I know exactly what foods give him gas.....

I think that if you can know all that about someone, and still want to be with them, and marry them.. THAT"S true love.

Don't get me wrong, I think Rose and Jack probably had a really good connection, and had some strong feelings for each other.. but I think for them to be in love, TRULEY in love with each other, they would have had to be together for quite some time. In my personal opinion, they were in lust and puppy love.

Couldn't have said it better my self NosieRosie. Althuogh this topic is silly, it's important to know the difference between love/true love, lust, and infatuation/puppy love. Jack and Rose were not truely in love, simpe as that. It's easy to become infatuated with someone, that can certainly happen in days, but not true love.

Posted on: 2005/8/9 20:05
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  •  Jillian
Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/7/3
From Small town in Manitoba, Canada
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One of the points of this movie was to show that time doesn't measure love! It shows veiwers that you really can fall in love in short period of time. It does not matter! Love isn't something that is built, it's just something that is there. Some people don't beleive in soulmates but I do and that's what Jack and Rose were! They were destined to be together.
"Three years and I've thought about nothing but Titanic. But I never really got it. I never let it in" ~Brock Lovett
Posted on: 2005/8/9 21:42
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Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2004/8/3
From Tallmadge, Ohio
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Jillian wrote:
One of the points of this movie was to show that time doesn't measure love! It shows veiwers that you really can fall in love in short period of time. It does not matter! Love isn't something that is built, it's just something that is there. Some people don't beleive in soulmates but I do and that's what Jack and Rose were! They were destined to be together.

No, I don't agree with that. They didn't use jack and Rose to prove anything with love.. it's not a love story.. they neede Rose and Jack to tie first and third class together in the story so they had an actual plot, and not just a story about a sinking ship.

And, I didn't say you had to know everyone's faults or wrong doings.. I was merely pointing out that to be in true love, you have to know those things about somoene and still accept them for who they are.... that's why so many peopole divorce within the first year of marriage, because they can't deal with those things.

I also think it's obvious you've never been in love, or else you'd know that.
To be in love with someone is different than just loving them... TOTALLY different.. and I know people will disagree with that on here.. but, hoenstly, once they experience both, thy'll understad what I mean.
I think you are just falling in love with the romanticism of the movie, which is totally understandable and completely fine.

I also want to point out, you are right to an extent. I do think people fall in love in diffrent time spans... but I do think there IS a time span. I don't think you can fall in love till you're past the puppy love.... I'd say about 3-6 months is past puppylove.
3 days gets you puppylove and lust... and intrigue....

OH! And he let her have the door because he may have been poor, but he was a cordial gentleman....It was proper for man to ensure a woman's safety first.. even though alot of men forgot that on that night, he didn't....
I mean, she was already on it when he found out he couldn't get on.. what's he gunna do, flip it and make her get off it? I think not.

And love definately is something that is built. People in some cultures, and in most past cultures were married in prearranged marriages.... even though they had never met each other prior to their wedding day, they were set for life.. and often times, ende dup loving each other after a period of time. So, it CAN be built, and it CAN just click for some people. It did for jack and Rose, but i refuse to believe they were madtly in love with each other.. they were just infatuated with each other at that point.
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2005/8/10 2:05
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  •  Jillian
Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/7/3
From Small town in Manitoba, Canada
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It is a love story! James Cameron even said so him self. When he was introducing the idea to Fox he sadi the plot was "Romeo and Juliet on a boat"! What part of that does not say LOVE STORY?!
And no, I have never been in love because I'm only 13 years old! But I'm not stupid. I have my own beliefs and veiws. I saw Titanic for what it really was, a love story. It shows people you can fall in love in three days, it shows to what extent people will go to for the ones that they love(Jack dying for Rose), and it shows what true love is!
"Three years and I've thought about nothing but Titanic. But I never really got it. I never let it in" ~Brock Lovett
Posted on: 2005/8/10 15:56
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Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/8/11
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Hi. I just read the first part of this and I do beleave that Jack love Rose the frist time he saw her.Oh, Iam new and my name is Rose!
Posted on: 2005/8/11 3:45
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Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/5/9
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Hokay this is totally a love story!!! DUH!!!!!!!!
Posted on: 2005/8/12 9:32
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Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2004/8/3
From Tallmadge, Ohio
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sylvester_1 wrote:
Hi. I just read the first part of this and I do beleave that Jack love Rose the frist time he saw her.Oh, Iam new and my name is Rose!

Welcome to the board! Hope you'll have as much fun as I have over the years!
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2005/8/12 13:50
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Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2005/8/11
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Thanks NoisieRosie! This the third day that I have been here.
Posted on: 2005/8/12 19:13
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  •  GooseGrl172
Re: Did Jack really love Rose?

Joined: 2004/10/11
From Maryland
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Still agree with NosieRosie;most of what she's saying aren't just opinions, they're a facts of life.

Posted on: 2005/8/12 23:49
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