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  How Far Is Too Far?

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How Far Is Too Far?

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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I REALLY wish people wouldn't do stuff like this!

I was looking for a picture (of Titanic) to use as wallpaper for my computer, when I came across THIS!

I immediately started getting a sickening feeling in my stomach, which worsened when I saw their site! I even got their number: 316-264-2637

If this isn't insensitive then I don't know what is!!

Attached file: jpg  inflatable_slide.jpg (19.59 KB)

12247_48d3e1c52e13f.jpg 400X300 px
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2008/9/19 18:30
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Re: How Far Is Too Far?

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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Hmm. They moved the page. Well I still found it with google.

They should know better! Titanic and what happened that night isn't meant to be played with!

Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2008/9/19 18:54
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Re: How Far Is Too Far?

Joined: 2006/7/7
From New Mexico, USA
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I saw one of these at a Ford delership by my house a few years ago.

Robert, try not to let it bother you. Titanic has become such a part of every aspect of our popular culture, (humor too, like it or not) that people get desensitized to the tragedy part of it.

Some day in the future I fear we will see blow up world trade centers at their parties.

Also, have you seen this money bank?

"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2008/9/19 21:00
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Re: How Far Is Too Far?

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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As a money bank? no. However, I do recall seeing a fish tank ornament that was VERY much like that.

As for the inflatable twin towers at parties, I hope I don't live to see that day come. Even now, I cry whenever History Channel (or any other tv channel) has a special on the September 11 Attacks. I guess I care too much (if that's even possible).
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2008/9/20 5:18
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