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  Pre-Role Play Thread

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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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I know this site doesn't have alot of people but there seems to be enough to do such an event. Who here has done role-playing before?

I, myself play alot of games and do a fair amount of role-play and been doing this for years now. It is fun to make a character and get right into it pretending you are apart of that time or another world prehaps. It is away to express yourself and show your creativity!

This Pre-Role play Thread will be for all who wants to be apart of a role-playing thread once we start it. This thread is only for:

*What times and days are good for people to be on to do this role-play. I wish this for it is alot more fun to keep on posting instead of a little here and there because if you are like me. You are exicted and ejoy the heck out of it and hate to await for one to log on to reply. Please state your region so that we can all meet up at one time. I got a time zone thingy favorited in my links so hopefully this will help.

*What "type" of role-play we are doing and time setting. Sense this is I am thinking along the lines of doing an "Oceanliner" type of topic.

*Character - What type of character are you going to be? What does this character do so when you go to posting you will know exactally how to reply and such. Aye you can role-play yourself or something else entirely, this is all up to you!

If this thread doesn't get many responces then I will not worry about it. But I hope I will get some intreasted to do something "fun" like this. I do not require perfect english or spelling but I do hope you all will put in best efforts to keep it where it is "readable."

Okay so anyway...
*times and days you are all available
*List what type of role-play you are intrested in (and we will vote)
*Develope a character (thier is no restritions - unless going by a historical type of role-play)

If there is more I need to add, I will edit this post so I am not spamming so there is not alot to thumb through.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

***Note: The role-play does NOT have to be about Oceanliners. Just give me your ideas and we will see what we come up with!***

-Vanishing Nightmare "aka" Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/17 23:12
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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For those who do not know what Time Zone they are in take a look at this image:
thanks to Wikipedia! if you are on 56k or lower it might take time to load sense it is a large image and it is PNG

Some example from Wikipedia!

The definition for time zones can be written in short form as UTC±n (or GMT±n), where n is the offset in hours. Here are
some examples:

San Francisco, California, USA: UTC-8 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 04:00 in San Francisco)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada: UTC-5 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 07:00 in Toronto)
Stockholm, Sweden: UTC+1 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 13:00 in Stockholm)
Cape Town, South Africa: UTC+2 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 14:00 in Cape Town)
Mumbai, India: UTC+5:30 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 17:30 in Mumbai)
Tokyo, Japan: UTC+9 (e.g. if it is 12:00 UTC, then it is 21:00 in Tokyo)
Where the adjustment for time zones results in a time at the other side of midnight from UTC, then the date at the location is one day later or earlier. Some examples:

Cairo, Egypt: UTC+2 (e.g. if it is 23:00 UTC on Monday, then the time in Cairo is 01:00, Tuesday)
Wellington, New Zealand: UTC+12 (e.g. if it is 21:00 UTC on Monday, then the time in Wellington is 09:00, Tuesday)
New York City, USA: UTC-5 (e.g. if it is 02:00 UTC on Tuesday, then the time in NY is 21:00, Monday)
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: UTC-10 (e.g. if it is 06:00 UTC on Tuesday, then the time in Honolulu is 20:00, Monday)
The time zone adjustment for a specific location may vary due to the use of daylight saving time. For example New Zealand, which is usually UTC+12, observes a one-hour daylight saving time adjustment during the southern hemisphere summer, resulting in a local time of UTC+13.


Do not have to be as detailed as them just like to know when to plan this role-play "if" enough people is intrested

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/18 0:49
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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You know VN. I think it is going to me and you.
I am availabel at 12:00 at night and 11:00 during the day.
I rather do it on a new ship called TITANIC 2.
You see I want to be a director when I am older so this was a idea I had in mind.
Jimbo= me.
Here is my long idea.
There is a couple. Jimbo and Mary. They are going on the new biggest ship in the world. The Titanic 2. They take the maiden voyage to New York. When they pass over where the Titanic sanked their is a large 20 story iceburg that they hit. The ship is slowly sinking and the cruise ship the freedom of the seas is on their way. Too late the freedom of the seas is 1 mile away. One of the explorer ships. The one looking at the Titanic. Is right behind the Titanic 2. The ship breaks apart. The wave is big as a tsunami and hits the Explorer boat. The explorer boat hits the freedom of the seas. Not only is the Titanic 2 sinking, but so is the Freedom of the Seas. The next morning another rescue ship comes in sight. The Queen Mary 2. 3500 people die in the icy water. 896 people are saved. Jimbo dies and Mary lives to tell the gruesome tale.
How do you like my long long idea..
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/18 3:16
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Give it more time there maybe more people ^_^ This is only the first day sense I posted it.

Aye that is a good idea but we will be very restricted and the plot is already been told but we can go along them lines if you wish! It would have been the same if chosen Titanic or other ships (in existance)

So you are wanting a "today's era" ship then? Sounds great but let us see if others will join or what ideas they have maybe we can mix it up a little... unless you are going to do the main role-play hosting, King? If so then you choose what we all should do mostly "aka" director? I think that is what they do. Me hosting I would just let it flow and people make thier characters and go crazy haha! I am not as on track as you are =P

Let me know if "you are hosting," if so... post here what "parts" and characters they can choose etc.. or whatever you got in mind. Tell them the setting and what is needed and then once we set down the times (which you have listed good times for you) then we can see what good times are for everyone else and see if we can make it work.. if not we might have to just do "spot role-play" meaning... just whenever someone logs on and does a new post... but some characters might be in the role-play a little heavier than most so... I do not know how well that will go.

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/18 4:02
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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Well, if you like my idea then we will more people.
we need
capt. of Titanic 2.
capt. of the freedom of the seas
capt. of the explorer ship.
some men and women.
Jimbo friend. Girl.
Jimbo friend. Boy.
Oh yes. besides my idea is owned by me and everything else. Nobody is aloud to ban us because I am not copyrighting. The story is in my own words and so is everything else.
Copyright by Titanic King. 2006-to death date.
Yes, I will be the host.
If Sierra and H2o join then we can all do this at evening or at 11:00/12:00.
The setting takes place in the Atlantic ocean where the Titanic sanked.
Hope this goes well.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/18 4:14
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Okay you heard it all, Titanic King is going to host this role-play this time around.

But still post here for ideas for any next ones we can do. There is always going to be diffrent hosters.

A new thread will be totally made for the "actual TRUE role-play" this is more of less a brain storming thread for role-play related topics.

And of course this is your idea, lol no one is going to be copying and pasting... that is why we need people on at the sametime because it will be "Live" role-play on the spot so hehe.

Anyway did you want me to play anyone particular if so please post what thier personallity is and thier background so I can get the feel of it and hopfully I do okay with it.

**This part is directed to Titanic King***

King, what are the names of the Captains of the other ships and T2? (T2 = Titanic 2) and can thier be female Captains are they all men? Because I can play any part you wish me too (even men) Be all a challenging role-play I quite enjoy it.

You want might want to just post background / history of the people you want so when and if someone claims a part they will already know kind of where they are going with it. Have you assigned yourself to any of the characters or you going to do the general hosting like stuff such as narriration that moves the story along and tells background?

Let me know what you are going to be doing if you do not want to do the background information I can do this but sense this is going to be your "role-play" I figure you would know more about the atmosphere of it all and direct us around so we can move further into the thread.

We will see how this works.

And let me know when you would like to begain so I know to be free that night and not be playing Ultima Online (UO)

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/18 4:39
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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Capt. Vanessa of the Titanic 2. This will be you VN.
Capt. Josh of the Freedom of the seas.
I will have to think of names later on.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/18 5:05
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Oh so we going by the captains first names then? I always thought they were surnames... like Captain Smith... Smith was a surname "aka" last name.

And woo I got a part! *dances around like a freak*

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/18 16:35
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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Well I like the first names better. I think we should give the people to join till Next Tuesday or earlier. I forgot to tell H2o last night I was so excited about finding out where he lives. Sierra never did come back on.
Capt. Brandon of the explorere ship.
Jimbo best friend= fred
Jimbo best friend wife= Savannah
I will be thinking up of more names.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/18 16:45
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Pre-Role Play Thread

Joined: 2006/6/22
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Ahh okay just wanted to make sure I knew where I was going with the names...

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/18 16:49
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