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  Visit The Titanic Wreck

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Visit The Titanic Wreck

Joined: 2007/1/28
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I really wanted to. I was willing to pay maybe $3000 at most. but now my dream is a NIGHTMARE!

Don't be afraid of the dark... be afraid of what it hides...
Posted on: 2008/2/21 5:27
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Re: Visit The Titanic Wreck

Joined: 2007/1/28
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excuse me. here is a link.
Don't be afraid of the dark... be afraid of what it hides...
Posted on: 2008/2/21 5:28
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  •  MGY Friend
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Re: Visit The Titanic Wreck

Joined: 2006/7/7
From New Mexico, USA
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I remember hearing back in the late 90s that it cost about 5 dollars a second to operate the Mir submersables at Titanic.
"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2008/2/21 18:16
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  •  Titanic'sSister
Re: Visit The Titanic Wreck

Joined: 2007/7/22
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I've heard that more people have been to outer space than have been down to the wreck.

I would think that as technology progresses it would be easier and perhaps cheaper to travel to those depths. Safety would still be a major issue for me though. If something goes wrong at two miles deep you can't just pull over and call a tow truck. Also, the safety of the already fragile ship would likely be further compromised with a bunch of tourists pestering her.
Posted on: 2008/2/23 4:53
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  •  Anonymous
Re: Visit The Titanic Wreck
the presure in which the wated is on the submersable is very strong considering that 60 presure per square inch is ben forced on you if you some how created a leak within seonds your dead because a leak is fatel at them depth's.

Aswell the titanic is a wreak site and a grave site and the structure intergraty of her is slowly going meaning somepoint we will go back and all be there is a bunch of rubble on the sea bed. She should last anouther 50 years or more so expert's say it's not like her sister whohardly ever recieves visits becuase she is privately owned and aswell she is a at scuba diving depths meaning you can spend 20 minutes at her but you have to be carefull beacuase she is in a bussy water way meaning you need permision aswell o the greek goverment as she is a war grave.

I can belive there has been more people to outer space then their has been to the titanic because only a few lucky people have had the chance to go. The people who ahve been able to go have been able to spend alot of money which some of us really havent got in our back pocket for spair cash as it cost a fortune to get down

from what mark says about it cost $5 to use a submersable a minute then the sub is easy,

for 1 hour it cost $300 this is worked out by 5x60=300 then you have to rember it takes 2 hours to get to the bottom of the sea bed so this is like $600 just to get to her.

$600 to get thier
$600 to get back to the serfice,

=1200 just in traving to her and back to ther service then you have to think how long you want to spend at those depth's so this equal like the nomal dive 12 hours spend at the wreak exploring which is something like

=$8400 this is alot of money. Then you have to think of the hiring of the russan explor ship which the submersibles are cept and this be like $10,000 as the crew would have to be paid and then you have to think how many visits to the wreak you want.

for instance james cameron did 10 vists last tiem he went,

so this is like 12,000 just getting to and from the wreak site

$12,000 to the site
$86,000 on the wreak site to the equivelent of 10 trip's
$10,000 for the ship
$5,000 for food surplys and etc

grand total of


now i dont think us simple titanic fork who are working class and middle class dont have 113,000 in our back pockets as i sure haven't it's true its once in a lifetime trip but in my oppion it best be worth every minute at the bottom just to sea the actual wreak and go places people haven't as this is alot of money to chuck away if you dont have it and could break you finaceal

i know it be great to see the titanic up close for once but i think its not going to happan for me beacuse i cant affored it i hope people fins these estermation sums ok any questions ion how i worked it our just ask me many thanks
Posted on: 2008/2/23 12:02
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Re: Visit The Titanic Wreck

Joined: 2007/1/28
From The Sea
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actually he said $5 a second. so multiply what you have by 60 and Boom...
Don't be afraid of the dark... be afraid of what it hides...
Posted on: 2008/2/23 22:43
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