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Titanic Collectables

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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I'm starting this new topic for those who got Titanic Memoribilia (books, postcards, chunk of coal, models, toys, etc.), and wish to show it off. I'll get the ball rolling -

I just bought (online) a mini-Titanic in a bottle, and I'm currently awaiting its arrival. Once I get it, I'll take a better picture of it. 'Til then, here's the picture that was on the site, where I bought it from. Enjoy

Attached file: jpg  Micro Machine Titanic.jpg (15.52 KB)

12247_45c24cb8c3b39.jpg 400X315 px
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2007/2/1 20:25
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     Re: Titanic Collectables rip1912 2007/2/12 23:56
       Re: Titanic Collectables starlinegifts 2007/2/16 3:40
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