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  The angels on Titanic

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  •  Mrs. Andrews
      Mrs. Andrews
The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2006/10/20
From Denmark
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I never thought about this until recently, but have you noticed that there's quite a lot of angels on Titanic (sculptures and not to forget the honor and glory crowning the time)?
However, it's quite strange and beautiful in a way that I can't explain - a ship full of angels.. Was it a kind of voyage into heaven?
Posted on: 2007/3/10 23:38
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Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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Mrs. Andrews wrote:
I never thought about this until recently, but have you noticed that there's quite a lot of angels on Titanic (sculptures and not to forget the honor and glory crowning the time)?
However, it's quite strange and beautiful in a way that I can't explain - a ship full of angels.. Was it a kind of voyage into heaven?

Hmmm... Never thought of it like that. You have a unique perspective on that. I like the way you see things
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2007/3/11 18:51
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  •  hevmckev
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2007/3/7
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WOW. I never even noticed that myself.I just got the eeriest feeling come over me. I like to think there are devine beings around us most of the time.I can always tell when my father or grandmother are around me.When i gave birth to my son,the song we played at his funeral came on the radio just as he was coming out so i know my dad didnt miss that big event.
Posted on: 2007/3/11 21:29
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  •  Titanic_charlie
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2006/12/30
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Wow , that is weird , when my grandma and great grandma were on their death bed they had said they saw angels above them. ive also have had a lot of dreams about the titanic........

1.people were having babys when the ship was sinking

2.i was in a life boat ,but my friend was in the water , so i jumped in for him

3. ive had 2 dreams were i was swimming in ice cold water.
Posted on: 2007/3/11 23:48
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  •  hevmckev
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2007/3/7
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It has been said that when you are close to death that either angels or someone close to you that has passed over comes to take you to the other side.When i asked my father if he was alright he just nodded but he was looking straight past me as if someone was behind me.That was right before he stopped breatheing.I tried so hard to bring him back but the attempts prooved fruitless.Cant save everyone right?
Posted on: 2007/3/11 23:57
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  •  Titanic_charlie
Re: The angels on Titanic

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my grandma was seeing so many ghosts , my father was visiting her and she was saying get those soldiers out of my room , and she said that there was a blond little girl on my fathers leg , it was really strange. and the night she died i felt like god was telling me everything was ok before she even past , and i had a dream that the devil was dressed up like the Lord , when i woke up i was so scared i got dressed and went to my neighbors.
Posted on: 2007/3/12 0:21
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  •  hevmckev
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2007/3/7
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Its funny the dreams that you have after a loved one passes.I never got to say goodbye to dad and was devastated cos he wouldnt be walking me down the aisle but then i had a dream that he was the only person at the reception hall.I knew he couldnt possibly be there so i asked him what he was doing there and his last words were i wouldnt miss this day for the world,so i know he will be there with me and i havent dreamt of him since.
Posted on: 2007/3/12 0:31
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  •  hevmckev
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2007/3/7
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Its funny the dreams that you have after a loved one passes.I never got to say goodbye to dad and was devastated cos he wouldnt be walking me down the aisle but then i had a dream that he was the only person at the reception hall.I knew he couldnt possibly be there so i asked him what he was doing there and his last words were i wouldnt miss this day for the world,so i know he will be there with me and i havent dreamt of him since.
Posted on: 2007/3/12 0:32
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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These stories are so sad . I have never lost anybody in my family yet , but my grandpa is starting to die.
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Posted on: 2007/3/12 1:17
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  •  hevmckev
Re: The angels on Titanic

Joined: 2007/3/7
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Please dont be sad.I know its hard but think of it this way,we are dying from the moment we are born.eww that sounds horrible doesnt it,but for every life gone a new one begins.its hard when it happens but you have to learn to go on.All i can say is make sure your grandpa knows exactly how much you love him and tell him every day because you might not get the chance to do it tomorrow.I hope what i have said can help you deal with it when you need to.Take it from someone who has lost too many people in such a short time.12 people in as many years.Last year was the first where i didnt have to go to a funeral.hopefully this year will be the far so good.Good luck friend.My thoughts are with you sweetie.And please dont be too sad.
Posted on: 2007/3/12 1:34
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