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Celebrities : CBS hires Titanic theme composer for Katie Couric's new theme
Posted by webmaster on 2006/8/6 19:24:14 (12537 reads)

LOS ANGELES C-B-S has hired the guy who composed the theme to "Titanic" to write a new news theme for Katie Couric.

Variety says James Horner has written the theme for the "C-B-S Evening News" that will eventually be integrated into all of the network's newscasts.

Full story at : KVOA Tucson

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 Re: CBS hires Titanic theme composer for Katie Couric...

Posted: 2006/8/11 2:18  Updated: 2006/8/11 23:44


Joined: 2006/8/10
From: oak lawn, Il(sub: Chicago)
Posts: -1
Mr James Horner will score a great theme song for the news-

His work On TITANIC, was a **********Star effort. That
soundtrack will always be my fave & a lot of others as well.

Mr Horner also composed the soundtrack for the film TROY.
He has an amazing record & will continue to do so, with flair and

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