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Posted by webmaster on 2009/6/4 0:02:00 (29635 reads)

The French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) received a ministerial order from the secretary office of French Transport Minister Jean-Louis and effectively ordered the ship Pourquoi Pas? (Why Not?) heading out of the Azores towards the debris field

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Posted by webmaster on 2006/10/21 23:45:50 (14612 reads)

One of the many theories going round with Titanic after it sank is the rivet theory, that excessive slag, a by product when producing the rivets, caused the rivet to be substandard to rivets with normal levels of slag. Her latest podcast could be found at

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Posted by webmaster on 2005/8/23 21:39:08 (55958 reads)

LONDON (Reuters) - Explorers have found a previously unknown site scattered with artefacts from the Titanic that could shed new light on the final moments of the world's most famous ocean liner.

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Posted by webmaster on 2005/7/21 23:36:50 (40577 reads)

On Monday, we returned from a highly successful scientific research expedition to RMS Titanic. In the course of processing the high quality digital video shot on Titanic last week, two startling observations of note were discovered. As more of this film is processed, I am sure that we will find many new changes to the morphological structure of Titanic.

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Posted by webmaster on 2005/7/18 18:32:00 (50973 reads)


-- Never-before-seen areas of ship revealed in

James Cameron, Oscar-winning writer/director/producer of the blockbuster film Titanic, will make his last trip to the doomed ship this summer as part of an unprecedented television event. LAST MYSTERIES OF THE TITANIC, a poignant farewell to the most spectacular shipwreck in history, will have its world premiere Sunday, July 24th at 9 PM on Discovery Channel.

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Posted by webmaster on 2005/6/19 13:01:03 (15496 reads)

Nautical Research Group will be returning to explore the wrecksite of RMS Titanic this July. The goal of our scientific research is to examine the deterioration of Titanic and explore mechanisms that would assist in the preservation of the wreck site. The objectives of our study will be to provide comparative photometric examination of the natural decay processes that are occuring on the ship. The crux of this study would involve the analysis of the structural integrity of the ship with emphasis on microbial decay and areas where the steel infrastructure has been compromised. Additionally, we will be looking for evidence of unauthorized visits to Titanic that may have disturbed or damaged the ship.

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Posted by webmaster on 2005/5/24 15:31:52 (6353 reads)

Nautical Research Group President Elected to Penn State Eberly College of Science Alumni Board of Directors

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Posted by webmaster on 2004/10/1 19:30:00 (4450 reads)

Ballard is trying to use the seacoast science center to teach students, about what is beneath the ocean and not on top by submerging into it. ; this technology is called Immersion Theatre is already installed at Mystic aquarium, Ballard's home base.

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